Red Dog Media Reaps the Benefits of a Positive Work Culture

Red Dog Media Positive Work Culture

To achieve certain goals and objectives a company brings people together and motivates them to deliver their best. It is essential for team members to enjoy their workplace for them to develop a sense of loyalty towards their company. Work culture plays an important role in making sure employees are satisfied and productive. At Red Dog Media we like to provide a work culture that evokes positivity to ensure we get the most out of our team’s work.

Work culture can be boiled down to the beliefs, thought processes, and attitudes of the employees along with the ideologies and principles of the organization. A positive work culture has shown that “positive environments produce positive benefits specifically to engagement, relationships, health and the bottom line”. On the other end, weak work culture has shown to cause workplace stress and lower engagement rate. Accord to the Gallup Organization, “disengaged workers had 37% higher absenteeism, 49% more accidents, and 60% more errors and defects. In organizations with low employee engagement scores, they experienced 18% lower productivity, 16% lower profitability, 37% lower job growth, and 65% lower share price over time.”

Here are some ways to promote a positive work culture and how we at Red Dog Media implement them.

Appreciating and rewarding top performers is important. Praising employees can lead to consistently good work. As well it sets a good example for other employees. Showing appreciation can be as simple as writing someone a thank you note or saying it during a meeting. At Red Dog Media we like to offer certain incentives for goals being met and exceeded. These incentives make the act of improving the company beneficial for everyone.

Discussions should be encouraged at the workplace.  At our company, everyone has a voice. Open communication can lead to valuable insight and new ideas being brought to current projects. As well, it opens the door for future projects. Our company has an open door policy which lets our employees share what’s on their mind at any time. Opinions are welcomed and can positively impact the company and the websites run by us.

Companies should have employee friendly policies and practical guidelines. By giving employees some leeway while still retaining discipline, a company can benefits from the stress reducing aspects of these types of guidelines. At Red Dog Media we offer a flexible work schedule and ample vacation time off. This allows our employees to balance work with things like school and family matter as well as enough free time for what they please.

Bosses should act more like mentors to employees. Team leaders should be a source of inspiration and should provide a sense of direction to the employees when needed. Our team is always open to passing on skills and knowledge to others. Many are eager to get the change to take someone under their wing especially if it improves the company.

Promote team building events to bring employees together. Training programs, workshops, and seminars can all help boost employees skills while also improving team relations. Fun activities like outings and events can also help boost cohesiveness among a team. At Red Dog Media we like to do a little of both. When the chance arises, we like to take our team to conferences that help expand their knowledge. Team updates over lunches and holiday parties help reassure a sense of community amongst the team. Activities like march madness bracket competitions provide the perfect amount of fun along with some pretty cool prizes for our team.

At Red Dog Media our strength comes from how well our team works together. By providing a positive work environment our team is able to push beyond normal limits to achieve a unified goal.


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