The Best Place to Work: the Impact of Charity

Our team at Red Dog Media has fewer than 40 employees. We are pretty close-knit. We share meals, hang out after work, and rely on each other to keep everything running smoothly.

So, of course it made sense for our owners to implement an employee-nominated recognition program. When we see another employee going above and beyond, we can nominate them for the Go the Extra Mile Award (GEM Award). However, winning this monthly award comes with perks you might not expect…

Community Impact

You get the opportunity to give back to the community- in a big way! The company allows you to choose a charity that you’re passionate about to give a minimum of $2,500. Some of our employees have shown their passion for animals by selecting Path4Paws and Nevada SPCA, a couple of Nevada’s own animal rescue organizations. Another employee chose to guide the company’s donation towards the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation– which provides over 40 support services for critically-ill children and their families.

Red Dog Media only recently utilized the GEM Award to diversify their donations. The owners of the company knew corporate philanthropy was a necessity for furthering the growth of the company and the community. Previously, they supported community by donating to Three Square, Southern Nevada’s only food bank. Our donations with other corporate matches to Three Square has provided thousands of meals to those in need.

And this doesn’t just benefit the community for a day. Studies show that when basic needs are met, people are able to look beyond securing those most immediate needs. Providing meals for people in our community allows them to look at other needs and wants. This allows our society to grow together, as a whole.

The results of charitable giving may make us feel even more like a community. Research from Cone Communications states that when consumers are aware of a company’s philanthropy, it creates a stronger relationship, with trust and loyalty. Obviously, this does not just impact consumers, but also coworkers.

Organizational Impact

Studies have shown that corporate giving can improve the rate of retention in their workplace, especially when companies encourage their employees to donate as well. Employees who are engaged in their company’s charity activities have 75% longer tenure than employees who are inactive in such programs.

New employees are also looking for companies that are socially mindful. Cone Communication’s study states that 76% of millennials would even take a pay cut to work for a philanthropic company.

Would you want to work for a company that gives back? Let us know, and follow our blog for other updates on Red Dog Media.

Author: Victoria Salvatore

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